Currently: January | Behind the Scenes
Every month I share a Currently post here on the blog to give y’all a little peek at what’s going on behind the scenes and in the backend of my business + what’s happening in my personal life!
Breaking out my daisy blanket for a pop of springtime in these endless gray January days.
Drinking lots of coffee to combat early morning wakeups and a crummy sleep schedule.
Cooking this hot honey garlic chicken for dinner once a week.
Using the Pippy Longstocking heatless curler for perfect ringlets after a shower!
Getting so many inquiries for 2024 in the last couple weeks — you guys rock!
Watching Reba while I work on all your inquiries in my inbox!
Starting M*A*S*H from the beginning bc I’ve never seen it all the way through.
Collecting Google reviews for a website update — leave me a review and I’ll send you a little something!
Hosting a giveaway on Instagram once I hit 1000 followers!
Reading Audition by Barbara Walters, RIP.
Feeling inspired by Dorothy’s ruby red slippers, the earring scene from the Breakfast Club, 80s pop music, and old Patrick Swayze movies.
Launching an Etsy shop full of flower photos that you can print out for your homes!
Counting down the days until blondie gives us a release date for Speak Now TV (…or the Lavender Haze music video!).
Doing a little instant photo project for 2023 that I cannot wait to share!
Marveling at how much has changed since last year
Wishing y’all a happy Monday!
*These Currently posts are just for fun — none of the links shared are sponsored or affiliate. I am sharing just because I love it!
See more BTS in the archives!
December 2022
November 2022
October 2022
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