Kristopeit Family Fall Mini Session
When Emily emailed me about setting up her family’s fall mini session and mentioned that she had a three month old daughter, not gonna lie, I kind of panicked at first. Photographing tiny babies, newborns and really any baby that can’t sit up on their own yet, used to scare me to death. Posing and comforting and swaddling them is not my forte. Thank god for lifestyle documentary photography.
This approach allows me to take a step back and just observe and document your family and the way you interact together as a family. Emily started singing to baby Aria when she got fussy and hearing mama’s voice calmed her almost instantly. Dad joined in the singing and watching them all together warmed my heart and brought me so much joy. That’s why I do this, y’all.
These parents also came prepared with a bottle, a boppy pillow, and some of their princesses favorite toys. (I am also not above bribing your kiddos with fruit snacks once they are a little older, haha!)
One of my personal mottos is Nervous Means Do It — and we did the dang thing, y’all! This family session was a good lesson for me in never letting fear get in the way of doing the thing that you love the most in this world.
“Are you scared or are you nervous? Scared means ask for help. Nervous means do it.”
Keep scrolling to see more photos from the Kristopeit Family’s fall mini session!

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