Year in Review 2022: Families
Welcome to another round of Year in Review. I can’t believe we are at the end of another year. 2022 has been so full of joy and laughter, magic, and your memories. I am breaking up my Year in Review posts this year to really do what I do best — telling a story through your moments that you have allowed me to capture this past year.
AGP is for the madly in love — with details, light, laughter and joy. For the ones with a story to tell, a new chapter to open, and a legacy to live. For the dreamers and the doers, the helpers, and the passion driven. AGP is for the ones going after the big dreams and finding the tiny joys.
You are the ones who make all of this possible.
From the Lasky Family’s annual photos at Barnwood Farms where we ran around the flower fields and made a coffee run to Red Mill, to the Gauger Family’s exciting pregnancy announcement at Thompson’s Sunflower Farm… My annual summer lifestyle session with Abby, Patrik’s senior photos, Cristin and Teneille’s mother-daughter Halloween session… And the Goehring Family’s annual fall family photos where we found a waterfall in Stevens Point and reveled in the magic that comes with autumn when you’re a kid.
Every moment and memories captured this year was because of you. Thank you.
Click here to see 2021: A Year in Review from last year!

See all 2022 families
The Lasky Family’s Barnwood Farms Family Session
The Gauger Family’s Thompson Sunflower Farm Maternity Session
Abby’s Summer Lifestyle Session
Patrik’s Senior Pictures, Class of 2023